2015 – 2016 References For C. Curtis Tucker FL Certified Teacher – Homeschool Evaluator – Tucker Educational Services

2015 – 2016 References For Charles Curtis Tucker FL Certified Teacher – Homeschool Evaluator

Thu, Feb 25, 2016 at 6:25 PM

Thank you so much! I can’t tell you how grateful we are that you’re out there and have such a painless way of dealing with this evaluation requirement. This was the one element that scared me most about homeschooling, but you’ve made it a nonissue. Thank you again so much. If we don’t speak again about this eval, I’ll talk to you next year!

Jennifer Williams, Esq.

Fri, Feb 19, 2016 at 1:19 PM

Charles, Thanks you so much. You are my number one person of the year. I will use your services again in October, it will not be a hassle like this time as this was an out of the ordinary circumstance. Again I apologize for the rush and thank you for your service

Thu, Feb 18, 2016 at 8:40 AM

I see, you were right.  <confused look>  That doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to me, but neither does making me do this in February then either if it was for last school year, we should have done it at the end of the school year and done another one then at the END of this SCHOOL year.  But I suppose that only makes sense in Candiland, LOL.  :  )  I thank you, though, at least I understand how Florida does things a bit better now thanks to reading your site and going through this process. 

Tue, Jan 19, 2016 at 8:33 PM

Thank you so much for your prompt response and for handling the evaluations so quick! It was a pleasure to use your services. Definitely will recommend! Thanks again for making our first evaluation very simple and stress free.


Yanira Gonzalez

Wed, Jan 13, 2016 at 9:26 AM

Thank you!!!!! I’ll be back again at the end of the year!

Mon, Nov 16, 2015 at 2:49 PM

Comments: Hello Curtis, We are back for the sixth year of using your services for our boys.

Kathy Clark


C. Curtis Tucker is a FL Certified Teacher, International Educator, Homeschool Evaluator, and Approved Test Administrator. He does a lot Parent Conferences as an experienced, excellent Education Advisor.

Curtis Tucker does a lot of Student Annual Educational Evaluations & Grade Proof of Promotion documents for the states of Florida & Virginia (FL Dept. of Education Certificate #749854 - Expiration Date: 6/30/27).

I am a home schooling parent since 1999 (SHE'S ARRIVED!) and a FL Certified Teacher since 1996. I am also a Standardized Test Administrator and Educational Advisor.
I spent 12 years full time teaching in the classrooms of International Schools in South America & Europe, as well as, the public and private schools in the U.S.A. I spent 10 years conducting Educational Workshops, Team Building and part time teaching. I have been homeschooling our children with my wife, Lupita, since 1999.

I am extremely inspired everyday to promote homeschooling and excellent education in every way possible. My Heart's desire and Goals include helping parents to be in control of YOUR children's environment and their learning, to DO what YOU Know is The Best for YOUR family.

With The Utmost Honor & Complete Joy,

C. Curtis Tucker


C. Curtis Tucker is a FL Certified Teacher, International Educator, Homeschool Evaluator, and Approved Test Administrator. He does a lot Parent Conferences as an experienced, excellent Education Advisor. Curtis Tucker does a lot of Student Annual Educational Evaluations & Grade Proof of Promotion documents for the states of Florida & Virginia (FL Dept. of Education Certificate #749854 - Expiration Date: 6/30/27). I am a home schooling parent since 1999 (SHE'S ARRIVED!) and a FL Certified Teacher since 1996. I am also a Standardized Test Administrator and Educational Advisor. I spent 12 years full time teaching in the classrooms of International Schools in South America & Europe, as well as, the public and private schools in the U.S.A. I spent 10 years conducting Educational Workshops, Team Building and part time teaching. I have been homeschooling our children with my wife, Lupita, since 1999. I am extremely inspired everyday to promote homeschooling and excellent education in every way possible. My Heart's desire and Goals include helping parents to be in control of YOUR children's environment and their learning, to DO what YOU Know is The Best for YOUR family. With The Utmost Honor & Complete Joy, C. Curtis Tucker

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